As members of the Body of Christ and of Agape Love Christian Center
We are all called to serve in the kingdom of God. We are all laborers with Christ. Therefore we are instructed to serve in the kingdom of God with humility and meekness; working with one another with patience and love.Here at Agape Love Christian Center you will be given the opportunity to work out your own soul salvation with a reverence for the things of God. Through the teachings of God’s Word, we are being prepared for the Work of the Ministry. Take a moment to scroll through some of the ministries of helps that are available at ALCC!
How Do I Get Involved
Here is how you can learn, serve and grow.
L.O.R.D Youth Ministry
Meets every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 6:45 pm. This is an opportunity for the youth ages 16 – 30 to come together and discuss life issues and how to apply the God’s Word to their life.
Covenant ( Married Couples) Ministry
Marriage is one of the most important institutions God has established and generally the most attacked by evil because of the designed purpose that is given to each family. With-in this ministry you will learned how to defeat the devil, live cohesively and lovingly with your mate and so much more. Meet us every 4th Sunday at 3:00 pm.
Ministry Of Health
Designed to assist our members and community to get in shape and stay on on top of their health.
Music & Drama
Honoring God through music and drama. Many members join by playing an instrument, singing on the choir or getting involved with the drama team.
Women of Destiny
( Women’s Fellowship Group)
A women’s group where you can meet other women seeking to do the Will of God and to lean more about Him. Come out on the 3rd Saturday of every Month.
Men of Purpose
( Men’s Fellowship Group)
Are you looking to find men of like mind, men who are seeking to know more of God and seeking to be men of integrity – then meet us every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Seasoned Citizens
For those of ages 50 or older, who love God and are allowing God to renew their strength like an eagle
(Isaiah 40:31). This group provides laughter, fun and refreshments. The meetings date and times are announced when their schedule permits.
Media & Technology
Using media to spread the gospel through different forms of technology. The praise and worship songs are posted during morning worship. All of our services are recorded to upload to our website and to create CDs. We also maintain an active Facebook and Instagram feed for church communication.
Singles Ministry
For those of ages 50 or older, who love God and are allowing God to renew their strength like an eagle
(Isaiah 40:31). This group provides laughter, fun and refreshments. The meetings date and times are announced when their schedule permits.
( World Harvest Outreach Ministry)
Seek to share the gospel “Good News” of Jesus Christ to the World and in our community, through witnessing and outreach. as well as building authentic relationships with the community.
Designed to connect with the community by offering food to those in need.
Anointed Steps of Praise
Worshiping God through dance.